Previously Denied? DOL Updates May Change Your Case

another chance for eeoicpa claim

Were you previously denied for an EEOICPA Claim by the Department of Labor? If so, your claim may be eligible for reconsideration. Over the last few months, the Department of Labor has made many adjustments to the qualifications for an EEOICPA Claim. Do you think your case should be reconsidered? Give us a call at (877) 450-8665 or fill out the form below.

SEM Matrix Updates

Recently, the DOL updated their database of toxic chemicals at many different plants. The updated SEM Matrix includes information from 22 different Department of Energy Sites including the Nevada Test Site, Rocky Flats, and Oak Ridge Y-12. In fact, the Nevada Test Site increased their information by over 34%! Information for the updates came from public submittals and information from the DOL District Offices.

The SEM Matrix is a database used for all claims that go through NIOSH or are not one of the SEC Sites. Typically cases that are denied through this process occur because there was less than a 50% chance that the chemicals affected your cancer. If this is why you were denied, give us a call today!

Closure Profiles

For the first time, the Department of Labor began including information on the toxic substances workers involved with the clean-up of the Rocky Flats site. The Department of Labor plans to add information on other sites throughout the next few months. We will be sure to keep you informed on all new closure related updates.

Approved SEC Sites

Additionally, with the ever growing list of Approved SEC Sites, your claim may have an opportunity to be revisited. To see the latest SEC Sites list, you can visit the Department of Labor’s website.


If your case was previously denied, and you want to speak to our office please call us at (877) 450-8665 or fill out the form below.

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