Rocky Flats Plant
Note: If you are looking for information on the Rocky Flats Residents Class Action Lawsuit please read our latest update on our blog.
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Location | Special Exposure Cohort Employees (SEC): |
Golden, Colorado | April 1, 1952 – December 31, 1983 |
Rocky Flats Eligibility |
EEOICPA Compensation is more likely to be awarded to former Rocky Flats Employee’s if they worked during the SEC Period. Rocky Flat’s SEC Period is between April 1st, 1952 and December 31st, 1983. Compensation is typically awarded to employees who worked for at least 250 days and later developed one of the following 22 specified cancers.
Workers whose employment occurred outside of the SEC class period can still file a claim for benefits under Part B or Part E of the EEOICPA. For more information on filing an EEOICPA Claim, contact our firm. You can call us at (513) 651-3700 or toll-free at (877) 450-8665. |
About Rocky Flats
Rocky Flats was built in 1951 as a plutonium and uranium component manufacturing center. From 1952 to 1989, the site’s primary mission was to fabricate the “pit” that contains the heavy metals and serves as the trigger device for nuclear warheads. Rocky Flats was also responsible for recycling plutonium from scrap and plutonium retrieved from retired nuclear warheads. The final products of this recycling included components and assemblies manufactured from uranium, plutonium, beryllium, stainless steel, and other metals. Production activities included metalworking, component fabrication and assembly, chemical recovery and purification of plutonium, and associated quality control functions. Research and development in the fields of chemistry, physics, metallurgy, materials technology, nuclear safety, and mechanical engineering were also conducted at the site.
In 1989, many of the site’s nuclear component production functions were suspended after a safety review temporarily shut down plutonium operations. Following an extensive review, which included considerable independent oversight, a few buildings were authorized by the Secretary of Energy to resume limited plutonium operations: to stabilize plutonium oxide and repackage plutonium for safe storage. In 1989, as a result of the environmental contamination caused by production activities at the site, Rocky Flats was placed on the Superfund National Priorities List. In January 1992, nuclear component production was terminated and the site’s primary mission changed from nuclear weapons production to environmental cleanup and restoration.
Throughout the course of its operations, the potential for beryllium exposure existed at this site, due to beryllium use, residual contamination, and decontamination activities.
Rocky Flats Compensation
Below find a Department of Labor graph for the total EEOICPA benefits paid for claims at Rocky Flats: